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who we are

We are the Jewish Community’s central fundraising, community relations, social welfare, and community development organization.


We are dedicated to enriching Jewish life in Central Alabama, supporting Israel, helping all people in need, and building a better Central Alabama.


The JFCA does this through:​

  • Raising funds

  • Sustaining a strong local Jewish Community

  • Supporting Israel and Jews throughout the world

  • Educating and advocating on behalf of Israel and Jewish causes

  • Building bridges and strengthening our civil society


The JFCA partners with local congregations

  • Temple Beth Or, Montgomery 

  • Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem, Montgomery

  • Beth Shalom, Auburn

  • Temple Emanu-El, Dothan

  • Mishkan Israel, Selma

The JFCA supports Jewish organizations

  • Hillel and students supporting Israel at Auburn University

  • Hillel at The University of Alabama

  • Lucien Loeb L’Chaim League

  • Chavurat Montgomery

  • JFCA Young Adult Division

Click to read a history of Jews in Montgomery

Click to read a history of Jews in Auburn/Opelika

Click to read a history of Jews in Dothqn

Click to read a history of Jews in Selma

Our Mission is to protect and enhance the lives of Jews
in Central Alabama

and worldwide
meaningful contributions
to our local and global
Jewish Community,
Israel and civil society.

our values
our values

loving kindness

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the collective unity

of the Jewish people


the obligation to

care for one another

tikkun olam

repair the world​

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